02 Nov 2023
NSW Dental Care is offering free dental screenings to students at Blacktown Girls High School on 20th-24th November 2023. Click the link below to submit your online form to allow NSW Dental Care to check if your student is eligible. Confirmation will be made via email. If your child is not eligible, they can still attend by claiming under private health if you are not covered by the scheme.
The dental screening is free of charge for eligible students aged 2-17 and provides basic dental services that include:
• Dental examination
• Dental X-rays
• Preventive Oral Care, such as oral hygiene assistance, cleaning of teeth and the application of fluoride to the teeth.
This service is provided under the Child Dental Benefits Scheme of the Australian Government.
Early detection of decay and other dental diseases is vital in preventing bigger, more painful and expensive problems in the future. Left untreated, dental disease is progressive and will result in greater discomfort and is likely to lead to permanent problems, such as tooth loss or lasting pain.
Please submit your form today: